Over 150 million tons of plastic waste are polluting the ocean and it requires urgent attention.

There are many new approaches to tackle this problem from different sides. The Indonesia based company Evoware developed Seaweed-Based Packaging. This innovation in packaging has the ambition to replace conventional plastic packaging for food and non-food products. Seaweed-Based Packaging is 100% biodegradable and even edible. The packaging is high in fiber and contains beneficial nutrients that are naturally occurring in the seaweed, therefore safe and good for humans, animals and the earth.
Furthermore, Evoware is working directly with seaweed farmers and helping to improve the livelihood of seaweed farmers while also providing a sustainable alternative to plastic. Though, a large volume of seaweed production is not utilized, and most seaweed farmers are poor due to a long marketing chain. Therefore, seaweed as the raw material for packaging is a sustainable resource and a promising economic commodity.